Moloka‘i Round Up: February 3, 2015
Every year middle schools on Moloka‘i Island get together for a semi-annual keiki round up. All 6th graders from Moloka‘i elementary schools who will be entering the 7th grade at Moloka‘i Middle School attended the round up. This event is put on by the Maui-DOE and is intended to ease the transition from school-to-school and allow haumāna to become familiar with their future classmates!
The Ho‘opili Program was fortunate to join in on the fun! We were able to bring a few of our past lessons to the round up, including our wind turbines, star compass designing and always popular, rockets! This event was a success in every way, the kids got right to the activities and seemed like they all worked very well together. Mahalo to the Maui-DOE and everyone who had a hand in this great event, we look forward to next year!