Kaʻū Virtual Huakaʻi - Fall 2020
Education Specialist Kaweni Ibarra discusses the puʻu (hills) above Kaʻū, Hawaiʻi.
This quarter, MAF’s Kaʻū site staff produced a virtual huakaʻi (field trip) specific to the Kaʻū district for our students of that area. The video features the puʻu (hills) of Kaʻū and highlights the significance of the land in Hawaiian history, from traditional stories and the ongoing environmental impact of the plantation era, to modern day conflict between conservation efforts and Native Hawaiian gathering rights.
With in-person activities limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning content like this makes it possible to continue giving students in the communities we serve safe access to STEM learning that is culturally-relevant and rooted in the tradition of Native Hawaiian place-based knowledge.
Sugarcane production once dominated Hawaiʻi’s economy.