Lesson 1: What Are Data? (number in context)
Lesson 2: How Are Data Collected?
Lesson 3: Displaying Data Graphically
Lesson 4: Distributions and Variability
Lesson 5: How Do We Survey the Reef to Estimate Coral Coverage?
Lesson 6: Analysis of Reef Data
Lesson 7: Two Types of Data — Numerical and Categorical
Math Worksheet #1
Math Worksheet #2
Math Teacher Notes
Mathematics Standards
Lesson 1: Globes, Maps and Cartesian Coordinates
Lesson 2: Using a Compass
Lesson 3: Using a GPS Unit
Lesson 4: Storms
Lesson 5: Waves
Lesson 6: Currents
Lesson 7: Collecting Water Quality Data
Lesson 8: Point Intercept Survey of the Ocean Floor
Lesson 9: Photoquadrat Survey of the Ocean Floor
Lesson 10: Rugosity Measurement of the Reef Profile
Lesson 11: Stream Ecology — Habitat Survey
Lesson 12: Stream Ecology — Aquatic Invertebrate Quantitative Survey
Lesson 13: Survey of Biofilm Communities
Lesson 14: Hawaiian Ocean Harvest and Food Preparation
Lesson 15: Hawaiian Ocean Resource Management in Ancient and Modern Times
Lesson 16: Making Fire
Lesson 17: Modeling Biological Communities
Lesson 18: Building a Tabletop Bioremediation System (TBS)
lecture #1: The Cartesian Coordinate System
lecture #2: Using the Compass (Pānānā)
lecture #3: Using the GPS
lecture #4: Scientific Classification — Systematics
lecture #5: Coral — reef building organisms
lecture #6: Coral Reef Facts
lecture #7: Coral Reefs and Shore Marine Life Specific to Hawaii
lecture #8: Subtidal Ecosystems of Hawai‘i
Science Standards
Stream Habitat Data Collection Sheet
Hawaii Line Transect (Substrate) Template
Sense of Place
Kumulipo — A Hawaiian Creation Chant
Mālama and Ho‘oponopono
"Kokua Mai"
Loko I‘a — Fishponds
History of Ko‘olaupoko
Ka‘opulupulu (Circa 1773)
Ahupua‘a o Hakipu‘u
Ahupua‘a o Kualoa
Recipes: Keahole Ogo Salad with Miso Dressing
Recipes: Ogo Salad with Fresh Lemon Dressing